Mary Brijlall

Hi my name is Mary. I do videos from funny covers to DIYs to fun tag videos and other randomness. I recently started a new series on my channel called "Motivational Mondays" to help you get through the day as we all know how much we hate Mondays! In this series, I also share music playlists for every motivational quotes, recipes to kick start your week and fun quick DIYs to help boost your mood! More series to come so stay tuned! So join me every week for fun and exciting new videos and more! SEE YOU AROUND :o) F A V O R I T E Q U O T E S : "Be Happy. Think Happy" "Don't shush your inner voice, it's who you really are" "Get lost in your imaginations, not within yourself." "Wisdom begins in Wonder" - Socrates "If you ask me what I came into this world to do, I will tell you: I came to LIVE OUT LOUD" - Emilie Zola. ♡♡♡♡ Subscribe to my channel to get video updates weekly. ♡♡♡♡ ☼ ★ ☆ Let's get started! ☼ ★ ☆